by R. Klette, N. Krüger, T. Vaudrey, K. Pauwels, M. van Hulle, S. Morales, F.I. Kandil, R. Haeusler, N. Pugeault, C. Rabe, M. Lappe
Performance of Correspondence Algorithms in Vision-Based Driver Assistance using an Online Image Sequence Database (R. Klette, N. Krüger, T. Vaudrey, K. Pauwels, M. van Hulle, S. Morales, F.I. Kandil, R. Haeusler, N. Pugeault, C. Rabe, M. Lappe), In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies, volume 60, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
author = { Klette, R. and Kr\"uger, N. and Vaudrey, T. and Pauwels, K. and van Hulle, M. and Morales, S. and Kandil, F.I. and Haeusler, R. and Pugeault, N. and Rabe, C. and Lappe, M. },
title = { Performance of Correspondence Algorithms in Vision-Based Driver Assistance using an Online Image Sequence Database },
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technologies},
year = { 2011 },
volume = { 60 },
number = { 5 },
pages = { 2012--2026 },
doi = { },
url = {./publications/IEEETVT2011.pdf}
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