by H. Çelikkanat, G. Orhan, N. Pugeault, F. Guerin, E. Şahin, S. Kalkan
Learning Context on a Humanoid Robot using Incremental Latent Dirichlet Allocation (H. Çelikkanat, G. Orhan, N. Pugeault, F. Guerin, E. Şahin, S. Kalkan), In IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, volume 8, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
author 	= {Çelikkanat, H. and Orhan, G. and Pugeault, N. and Guerin, F. and Şahin, E. and Kalkan, S.},
title	= {Learning Context on a Humanoid Robot using Incremental Latent Dirichlet Allocation},
journal	= {IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development},
volume	= {8},
number	= {1},
issn  	= {1943-0604},
year	= {2016},
doi 	= {10.1109/TAMD.2015.2476374},
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